
Yuntao Dong: Algorithmic Control in the Workplace

About the event

In recent years, the increasing use of digital platforms has led to an unprecedented level of algorithmic control over various aspects of our lives, from online advertising to social media feeds and search results. As organizational behavior researchers, we are interested in understanding how the use of algorithmic control can revolutionize the workplace and reshape employees’ experiences and behaviors. In this talk, Professor Dong will provide an overview about the organization behavior research on algorithmic control and its influence in the workplace, followed by a series of her team’s ongoing research in this area. The purpose is to help students understand the concept of algorithmic control from an OB perspective and to demonstrate how scholars observe, conceptualize and conduct academic research. Together, this sharing will offer students with insights regarding conducting academic research and choosing academic research as a career path.

Lecture Title:

Trapped or Liberated? How Algorithmic Control Transforms the Workplace and Shapes Employee Experience

Lecture Time:Friday,March 17 th,13:15-14:45

Lecture Venue:Room 218,Guanghua Building1

Speaker:Professor Yuntao Dong

Yuntao Dong is an associate professor in the Department of Organization and Strategy at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She received her Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park. Yuntao’s research focuses on leadership and leader empowerment, and employee emotion, adaptation and creativity, in both traditional organizations and during the digital transformation via a multilevel lens. Yuntao’s work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Management and Organization Management, and is regarded as ESI highly cited paper. She has taught undergraduate- and graduate-level courses on organizational behavior, management and organization theory, theory and practice of innovation, human resource management, and research methodology.

The lecture will be given in English.

Please fill in the following registration link before 16:00 on March 15th.Thank you.

Link: https://jinshuju.net/f/gIsJ2Z

2022年“光华未来学术之星”培养计划(Guanghua Future Scholars Development Program,以下简称“学术之星”)启动。“学术之星”是为具有学术兴趣的优秀本科学生定制的学术训练计划,通过为学生提供最优的学术资源和系统性支持(如研究导师、“学术启航”系列讲座、学术研讨、出国交流等),达到激发研究兴趣、培养批判思维、提升研究能力、积累研究经验、树立学术理想、助力学术发展的目的,为学生成为未来学术之星创造条件。 








l   深有造诣的研究导师:拥有与研究导师充分交流的机会,参与导师的科研项目;

l   接触学术前沿的机会:与院内外优秀学者深入交流,参加高水平学术会议、国际交换期间的学术研究;
l   突出的学术发展前景:支持优秀学生出国深造;
l   专属课堂与研究活动:研修研究生课程;“学术启航”系列讲座;沙龙或读书会;各系论坛和研讨、博士生学术研讨会、研究方法与工具研讨班等;
l   富有活力的学习社区:与学院教授、外聘与访问教授、业内学者、学院各系研究生以及优秀的星友充分交流,互助研习;
l   充足的学术研究资助:有机会获得学校和学院各类研究支持基金;参与国内及国际会议的经费支持。


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